Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Recent reports show that there is a deadly, milk thirsty bat on the loose. Bat is said to be dangerous and will attack if provoked. Do not attempt to feed the bat unless properly equipped. Last seen with two little ferocious monkeys, each about three feet tall. If you see this bat, please contact Murdock Pest Control immediately.


  1. lol, unless properly equipped! :-D That is my most favorite part, ha ha! Ok, these pics are SO SO SO SO SO cute! I miss you guys all so much, tell Auty I love her hair! Smooch all the kids for me, I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I added you to my list. :) It feels more official now. We are blog friends and you are going to keep updating your blog, right?!! Haha. LOVE Brooklyn's costume. She is the cutest bat ever!
