Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Beattie Turkey Trot 2010

Tim told one of his co-workers to never have children. Why? Because then his wife wouldn't have time on her hands to think up things like a family fun run. When I first told Tim about my idea his only response was, "Are you smoking?" Well apparently I am. I love running!

Harrison, Troy, and Porter ran/were carried across the driveway in the Pilgrim Put. Kai, Alix, and Porter ran down to the end of the cul-de-sac and back in the Indian Run. Krista, Josh, Tim, Auty, and I competed in a three mile route that nearly killed all of us. Kai also participated in this run with a little help from Grandpa Bwana and the Ford. He did really well though and between running and taking a rest in the car he came in second after Auty. I guess he kept asking to be dropped off ahead of her, but in the end she was the champion. What a mean Aunt :) Finally, Suga Ma and Bwana participated in a mile walk, also known as the Turkey Waddle.


  1. Cute idea Kels. Something I totally see you putting together. :) Although I'm a little bummed there was no race for Brooklyn. Or atleast a staring contest. The Gobble Gaze or something. Ok that was really lame to say. Anyway, I think we should get together soon! Averie and I have colds right now, but I will call you as soon as we are feeling better so we don't get Brooky sick. :)

  2. WHAT?! The paper said November 20th! How dare you guys move it up without notifying us. :-( I am so sad we couldn't be there for it (even if it was on the 20th). And now you guys all have awesome shirts too. This looks like SUCH a blast, and I wish we could have been there for it! Love you all!

  3. Allow me to clear my name. Regardless of what anyone else may think or say, I actually encouraged Kaiser with the few words I could get out of my mouth without losing my stomach. I'm not sure he even ran up the driveway to finish, but that doesn't matter because I was going to sprint at the end despite who or who was not running with me. =) Loves.
