Monday, November 22, 2010

Cousins by Chance...Friends for Life

Just three days apart, I'm sure these little girls will grow up to be close friends. It has already been a lot of fun watching them grow together and I look forward to having a little built-in-playmate for our Wookie.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Beattie Turkey Trot 2010

Tim told one of his co-workers to never have children. Why? Because then his wife wouldn't have time on her hands to think up things like a family fun run. When I first told Tim about my idea his only response was, "Are you smoking?" Well apparently I am. I love running!

Harrison, Troy, and Porter ran/were carried across the driveway in the Pilgrim Put. Kai, Alix, and Porter ran down to the end of the cul-de-sac and back in the Indian Run. Krista, Josh, Tim, Auty, and I competed in a three mile route that nearly killed all of us. Kai also participated in this run with a little help from Grandpa Bwana and the Ford. He did really well though and between running and taking a rest in the car he came in second after Auty. I guess he kept asking to be dropped off ahead of her, but in the end she was the champion. What a mean Aunt :) Finally, Suga Ma and Bwana participated in a mile walk, also known as the Turkey Waddle.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

One Hot Night:The Fireman Ball

I think this looks like a classic picture. The handsome marine going off to war, sneaking in one last kiss with his girl. Woot Woot!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Recent reports show that there is a deadly, milk thirsty bat on the loose. Bat is said to be dangerous and will attack if provoked. Do not attempt to feed the bat unless properly equipped. Last seen with two little ferocious monkeys, each about three feet tall. If you see this bat, please contact Murdock Pest Control immediately.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I love General Conference weekend! When I was highschool, and even until recently, I don't think that I completely realized what an amazing opportunity it is to hear from our modern day prophet and the apostles. There is a certain peace that accompanies these meetings and I felt the Spirit very strongly--I want to be a better person. I was really impressed by President Monson's talk on gratitude. Lately I have found myself feeling less than thankful and I seemed to have forgotten what a blessed life I lead. His words made me think about my understanding husband, my beautiful baby girl, my generous parents, my testimony, etc... In other words, I am feeling grateful.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Photo Shoot

After some procrastination, Brooklyn's newborn pictures turned into her six-week-old pictures. I now know why you take pictures of a sleepy newborn versus an older baby...

Upon arrival, Brookie covered herself in spit up and then proceeded to soak Sear's pillow after her diaper was removed. She also seemed interested in looking everywhere but the camera. Too bad none of you were there to witness the charades Tim and I were pulling trying to get her attention and keep her happy. Poor Wookie--All this torture and no nap! However, despite her rough beginning, she was a very good baby and it was a lot of fun. Here are some of our favorites:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Introducing Wookie

Brooklyn Murdock, lovingly known as Wookie, was born on August 18 at 2:13 in the afternoon. A week late, she tipped the scales at a whopping 6lbs. 12oz. and was 19 in. long. One of the first comments Tim made upon her arrival was, "Wow, she looks like an alien!" I hadn't seen her yet and was horrified at his "oh so loving" comment. Luckily her poor little cone head has disappeared and we think she is the most beautiful baby girl. We are so blessed by her sweet little spirit and thank Heavenly Father every day for the opportunity to have her in our lives. We love you Wookie!

P.S. More adorable pictures to come!