Thursday, March 24, 2011

"Marry the man..."

Yesterday I heard someone say something very profound: "Marry the man you never want to see again." I definitely took this advice and from the moment Tim and I were married I have felt single(ish). Lately this has been even more true. Tim is pulling a really hefty schedule these days and it won't end for a few more months. Typically he wakes up at 6 a.m. and is out the door by 7 a.m.. Then its off to school until around noon, then back home to eat lunch and get ready for work which lasts from 1 p.m. until after 10 p.m.. Then its homework time.

However, despite the fact that I feel like I never see my husband and that he never sees me or Brooklyn, I'm really thankful. Thankful for a husband that works so hard to finish school and support our family at the same time. Thankful that I can stay home with our beautiful daughter and catch all her "firsts." Thankful that I married that man " I never want to see again."

And so for all those times I've complained: Thanks Timmer.

So in honor of his wonderfulness I have posted a video of Tim singing at a BYU-Idaho Broadway Review in 2009. He and his brother Jon sang in it together and not only won the competition but also got a standing ovation. Tim will not appreciate me posting this, and that is why I'm so thankful he is not a violent person :) P.S. The best part is the last note. Killer harmony!